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Mind Share Partners'
Mental Health at Work
2019 Report

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How much do we actually know about workplace mental health?

Mind Share Partners' 2019 Mental Health at Work Report surfaces the lived experience of mental health and stigma in workplaces in the U.S.

While countries like the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia have made substantial progress in awareness of and support for mental health in the workplace, the U.S. is only just beginning. Research on the prevalence of mental health challenges and stigma, specifically in the workplace setting, is limited. Prevalence is often measured either through diagnoseable conditions or general stress levels, which does not fully capture the breadth of the mental health experience.

Our report aims to broaden the current understanding of the mental health experience and its impact on workplaces and employees beyond diagnostic prevalence. We hope that the findings in this report provide valuable context, insights, and motivation for companies in the U.S. to create workplace environments that support employee mental health.

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60% of respondents reported symptoms of a mental health condition in the past year.

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Read our summary article in Harvard Business Review

Mind Share Partners 2019 Mental Health a

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Commitment to diversity

Mental health is the next frontier of diversity and inclusion, and our 2019 Mental Health at Work Report includes statistically significant response sizes for demographic communities including women, racial and ethnic minorities, age groups, the LGBTQ+ community, and the transgender community.


Many of these populations have been historically underrepresented in the workplace and underresearched in mental health, and their voices are an important part of making lasting and inclusive change in the workplace mental health movement.

Supporting mental health in the workplace—beyond benefits.


Our survey found that the most common resources that employees wanted—from individuals to the C-suite—were mental health training, more easily available information about mental health resources, and a more open and supportive culture for mental health at work.

In order for true change to occur, we must continue to expand our understanding of the workplace mental health experience and stigma within companies and demographic communities.

Mind Share Partners' custom training and advising services are one way businesses can learn to name, normalize, and navigate mental health at work.
While the information in this report is important to understand the current state of mental health in U.S. workplaces, the larger goal is to have this be the catalyst for culture change. We hope this report inspires leaders to create environments in which mental health challenges are normalized and supported in workplaces across the U.S.


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