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Your go-to resource hub for workplace mental health

Featured Resources

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​Key Frameworks for Success: Creating Mentally Healthy Workplaces and Programs

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The Case for Culture Change

Popular workplace strategies aren’t working. Employers who want to make a meaningful difference in their workplace need to shift their core approach. Learn how.


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Report: Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing Trends and Forecasts

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Mind Share Partners / Harris Poll survey

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2023 Report

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2021 Report

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2019 Report

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All Toolkits & Guides

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How to Create a Peer Listening Program

In this toolkit, we offer key steps and considerations that can help successfully launch a peer listening program, along with examplesfrom leading companies.

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Setting Healthy Work Practices For Your Team 

Use this free checklist to review and reset work practices for yourself and your team.

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Communications Kit for Mental Health Awareness Month

Equip yourself with templates, images, and messaging to communicate your company’s support mental health throughout May's Mental Health Awareness Month and beyond.

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Guidelines for Visualizing Mental Health at Work

In partnership iStock by Getty Images, Mind Share Partners designed guidelines to more accurately and inclusively portray workplace mental health in the media.

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Creating an Employee Resource Group for Mental Health

Our free toolkit outlines the 7 essential steps to creating a mental health employee resource group (ERG).

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Suicide, Mental Health, and the Workplace

This infographic includes a basic overview of the prevalence of suicide, role of the workplace, and how to support mental health at work.

Workplace Mental Health 101 Downloadable

5 Ways to Create a Mentally Healthy Workplace

This toolkit outlines five things you can do right now for little-to-no cost that can influence the culture of workplace mental health at your company.

Mind Share Partners' toolkits remain free and accessible to the general public thanks to our donors.

If you would like to support our work and continue making resources like our toolkits available to companies and change-makers at no cost, consider making a tax-deductible contribution today.

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