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Workplace Mental Health and Wellness: Forecasts and Trends

The American workplace is changing, in a good way. More businesses than ever before are making changes to better support the well-being of their workforce.

But, as a nagging unsustainability looms in U.S. workplace culture, burnout and rising mental health challenges remain pervasive among workers. Employers who want to be ready for— and even shape—the future will own their responsibility to prioritize both well-being and productivity.

In this special report by Mind Share Partners, we look forward to 2025 in terms of key predictions and what workplaces can do to better support workplace well-being. We’ll also look back at defining trends from 2024 and their lessons.

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Looking Forward: The Future of Work is Human Sustainability

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​This report details five predictions—and guiding principles—for employers to meaningfully shape the future of employee well-being.

  1. Business and nonprofit executives have an evolving responsibility: workforce sustainability.

  2. Scaling back equity initiatives internally is the opposite of creating a thriving workforce. It’s harmful.

  3. The new “workforce majority” will drive the future of work.

  4. Mental health stigma persists at work and begs meaningful action.

  5. Despite the challenges, we are optimistic about the future.

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About Mind Share Partners

Mind Share Partners is a nonprofit that is changing the
culture of workplace mental health so that both employees
and organizations can thrive.

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